Perfecting Dark Mode Support with Tailwind on Deno Fresh


I added dark/light mode (themes) to existing Deno websites ( and Here is what I learned and how you can eventually implement my solution on Deno Fresh apps.

How it Started: Bringing Dark Mode to Deno Docs and Deno Fresh Docs

Recently I had the privilege of helping to add light/dark mode toggling to Deno's documentation site (built with Lume) and the Fresh framework documentation (built with Fresh). The goal was to implement a seamless, user-friendly theme switcher while keeping the solution as simple and maintainable as possible.

You can see the long history for each of these in the pull requests linked at the bottom of this post.

Tailwind and @tailwindcss/forms

Since both sites already used Tailwind CSS, integrating dark mode was straightforward. The challenges were ensuring that:

  • The user's theme preference (light/dark) is respected.
  • The UI switches instantly when toggled.
  • The preference persists across sessions.
  • There is no FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content) no matter the client's current "state".

To achieve this, I set the data-theme (or class) attribute on the html tag of each page to either dark or light depending on a few factors (in order, and depending on if the setting exists):

  • A setting stored in localStorage (if the user clicked the <ThemeToggle /> then localStorage.theme is set so use that).
  • The user's system preference, using prefers-color-scheme (so we know if the browser or OS has a preference set).
  • The default theme setting of the application if no user preference is available (I default to dark normally).

The Implementation

The Deno Docs website uses Lume and the Fresh Docs website uses (not surprisingly) Fresh. The Lume implementation was and is a bit less interesting to me considering that my personal website (and a project I recently released, AgapeVerse) use Fresh. For the Fresh Docs website I ended up creating an Island that pretty cleanly adds almost everything needed.

Here is what I did:

  1. Added /island/ThemeToggle.tsx with the following logic:

Detect the user's preferred theme: On initial page load, check localStorage for a saved preference. If none exists, fallback to window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').

const [theme, setTheme] = useState(() => {
  if (!IS_BROWSER) return "light";
  return document.documentElement.dataset.theme ?? "light";

const ThemeToggle = () => {
  setTheme((prev) => {
    const theme = prev === "light" ? "dark" : "light";
    document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", theme);
    localStorage.setItem("theme", theme);
    return theme;
  1. Added script in the <head> to the _app.tsx file

The following requirements could be accomplished just from the Island component however: To avoid FOUC (Flash of Unstyled Content) it's necessary to add the following to the page in a <script> tag to the <head> element.

const isDarkMode = localStorage.theme === "dark" ||
  (!("theme" in localStorage) &&
    window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches);
document.documentElement.dataset.theme = isDarkMode ? "dark" : "light";

There are several ways this could be done, and while this isn't what was used on the Fresh Docs page this is how I feel it makes the most sense to do it:

# _app.tsx
import { PageProps } from "fresh";
import { themeToggleHeadScript } from "$/island/ThemeToggle.tsx";
    <script src={`data: text/javascript, ${themeToggleHeadScript}`}></script>
  1. Add CSS vars for site-wide color schemes: In styles.css or similar create a set of CSS vars (as defaults and for the dark version of each color, example below).
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer base {
  :root {
    --foreground: 34, 73%, 10%;
    --background: 264, 100%, 90%;
    --primary: 265, 95%, 57%;
    --secondary: 34, 96%, 52%;
    --accent: 135, 73%, 49%;
    --link-blue: 220, 80%, 50%;
  .html[data-theme="dark"]:root {
    --foreground: 34, 73%, 90%;
    --background: 264, 100%, 10%;
    --primary: 265, 95%, 43%;
    --secondary: 34, 96%, 48%;
    --accent: 135, 73%, 51%;
    --link-blue: 220, 80%, 50%;

Here's a snippet of the core logic:

function setTheme(theme: "light" | "dark") {
  if (theme === "dark") {
    localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark");
  } else {
    localStorage.setItem("theme", "light");

function initTheme() {
  const storedTheme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
  if (storedTheme) {
    setTheme(storedTheme as "light" | "dark");
  } else if (window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) {

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initTheme);

Making It Easy for Everyone: A Deno Fresh Plugin

After implementing dark mode for these two sites, I realized that many Fresh-based projects might benefit from a simple drop-in solution for theme toggling. To address this, I’m now working on a Deno Fresh plugin that will make it easy for any Fresh website to support dark mode with minimal setup.

Goals for the Plugin

  • Zero-config setup – Works out of the box.
  • Tailwind-compatible – Uses Tailwind's dark: class strategy.
  • Automatic preference detection – Defaults to system preference but allows manual toggling.
  • Lightweight and efficient – Minimal JavaScript and no external dependencies.

What's Next?

The plugin is still in early development, but once complete, it will provide:

  • A mostly self-contained Fresh Island <ThemeToggle /> for a dark/light/system mode toggle button.

I’ll be publishing the plugin on JSR soon, along with installation and usage instructions. Stay tuned!

If you're building a Fresh app and want easy dark mode support, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let me know what features you'd find useful!

Pull Requests (History)